Upgrading to a Bigger RC Car Battery: Pros & Cons

Can I replace my RC car battery with a bigger battery

Thinking about replacing or upgrading your RC car battery? Upgrading the battery is a simple and effective way to enhance the performance of your RC car. Before you dive into the world of bigger batteries, it’s important to understand the pros and cons, as well as the key factors to consider. Let’s explore everything you need to know about upgrading your RC car battery.

Key Takeaways:

  • Upgrading your RC car battery can improve its performance.
  • Check your RC car’s manual for information on compatible battery types and voltages.
  • Consider factors like milliamp hours (mAh), volts (V), and the C-rating when choosing a battery.
  • Upgrading the battery is just one way to enhance your RC car’s performance.
  • Explore other modifications like adjusting the gear ratio, upgrading the motor, and upgrading the tires.

Types of RC Car Batteries

When it comes to RC car batteries, there are several options available for replacement or upgrade. Understanding the different types of batteries will help you make an informed decision based on your RC car’s needs and performance goals. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each type:

1. Alkaline Batteries:

Alkaline batteries, commonly found in household devices, are not recommended for RC cars. They are not designed to provide the necessary power and capacity required for RC car operations. Therefore, it is best to avoid using alkaline batteries in RC cars.

2. Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries:

NiCd batteries were once popular but have become outdated due to their low power output and environmental impact. While they have reliable voltage, they have limited capacity and suffer from the memory effect, reducing their overall performance and lifespan.

3. Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries:

NiMH batteries offer a balance of durability and capacity. They are a popular choice for RC cars as they provide decent power output and are environmentally friendly. NiMH batteries are available in various capacities, allowing you to choose the one that suits your RC car’s running time requirements.

4. Lithium Polymer (LiPo) Batteries:

LiPo batteries are the latest advancement in RC car battery technology. They offer higher power output and capacity compared to NiMH batteries while being lighter in weight. This weight reduction enhances the overall performance and maneuverability of your RC car. However, LiPo batteries require special handling precautions due to their volatile nature, so it’s important to follow the recommended charging and storage procedures.

Consider the table below for a summarized comparison of the different RC car battery types:

Now that you have an understanding of the different RC car battery types, you can choose the most suitable replacement or upgrade for your RC car based on its power requirements and performance goals.

Battery Specifications and Selection

When selecting a battery for your RC car, it’s important to consider several specifications to ensure optimal performance. The milliamp hours (mAh) rating indicates how long the battery will run before needing to be recharged. Higher mAh ratings provide longer running times, allowing for extended play sessions without interruption. Additionally, the volts (V) rating determines the power output of the battery. Higher voltages offer increased speed and overall performance.

Another crucial specification to consider is the C-rating, which represents the battery’s discharge potential. A higher C-rating delivers more power, resulting in quicker acceleration and improved performance. It’s recommended to consult your RC car’s manual to determine the compatible battery ratings for your specific model. Ensuring compatibility will prevent any potential damage to the car or the battery.

Alongside these specifications, it’s essential to consider the size and weight of the battery. RC cars have limited space in their battery compartments, so selecting a battery with the appropriate dimensions ensures a proper fit. You should also consider the weight of the battery, as a significantly heavier option can affect the balance and handling of your RC car. Choose a battery that strikes the right balance between size, weight, and performance to achieve the best results.

Benefits of Upgrading RC Car Battery

Upgrading your RC car battery can provide several benefits. A higher capacity battery with more milliamp hours allows for longer running time, allowing you to enjoy extended play sessions. Increasing the voltage of the battery can result in higher speeds and improved overall performance. Additionally, a battery with a higher C-rating can provide quicker acceleration, perfect for racing or high-performance RC cars. An upgraded battery can enhance your driving experience and unlock your RC car’s true potential.

“Upgrading your RC car battery can unlock its true potential and provide an enhanced driving experience.”

When you upgrade your RC car battery, you’ll notice significant improvements in performance. By upgrading to a higher capacity battery, you’ll have the ability to enjoy longer play sessions without worrying about frequent recharging. The additional milliamp hours (mAh) will provide ample power to keep your RC car running for extended periods.

Increasing the voltage of your RC car battery is another way to enhance its performance. Higher voltage leads to improved speed capabilities and overall power output. This upgrade is especially beneficial if you’re looking to compete in RC car races or if you prefer high-speed driving.

For those seeking lightning-fast acceleration, upgrading to a battery with a higher C-rating is the way to go. The C-rating, which refers to the current discharge rate, determines how quickly your RC car can accelerate. A higher C-rating means faster acceleration, allowing you to cut through corners and leave your opponents in the dust.

Upgrade Benefits:

  1. Extended play sessions with longer running time
  2. Improved speed capabilities and overall performance
  3. Quicker acceleration for a competitive edge
  4. Enhanced driving experience and satisfaction

By upgrading your RC car battery, you’ll unlock its true potential and experience a thrilling driving adventure. Whether you’re looking to extend your playtime, achieve higher speeds, or accelerate like a pro, an upgraded battery is the key to reaching new levels of RC car performance.

Considerations for RC Car Battery Upgrades

When upgrading your RC car battery, it’s essential to consider several factors. The type of battery, voltage, capacity, and size will depend on your RC car’s specifications, desired performance, and driving style. Ensure that the battery you choose fits within the dimensions of your RC car’s battery compartment. Consider the weight of the battery as well, as a significantly larger or heavier battery may affect the balance and handling of your RC car. Carefully evaluate these factors to select the most suitable and compatible battery for your RC car upgrade.

Factor Consideration
Battery Type Choose a battery type that aligns with your RC car’s power requirements and handling preferences. Consider options such as Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) or Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries.
Voltage Verify the voltage compatibility between the battery and your RC car. Check the product manual or consult with the manufacturer to avoid damaging your car’s electronics.
Capacity Determine the desired running time and select a battery with a suitable milliamp hours (mAh) rating. A higher mAh rating will provide longer play sessions.
Size Measure the dimensions of your RC car’s battery compartment and choose a battery that fits securely. Avoid batteries that are too large or bulky, as they may not properly fit or affect the car’s balance.
Weight Consider the weight of the battery to prevent significant impacts on your RC car’s balance and handling. A significantly heavier battery may affect performance and maneuverability.

By carefully evaluating these considerations, you can select a compatible and appropriate battery for your RC car upgrade. Taking into account factors such as battery type, voltage, capacity, size, and weight will ensure optimal performance and an enjoyable driving experience.

bigger battery for RC car

Other Ways to Enhance RC Car Performance

While upgrading the battery is an effective way to enhance your RC car’s performance, there are other modifications you can make to take it to the next level. Here are some alternative upgrades to consider alongside a battery replacement:

Adjust Gear Ratio

One way to optimize your RC car’s speed and acceleration is by adjusting the gear ratio. By changing the ratio of gears in the transmission, you can fine-tune the performance of your car. Increasing the gear ratio will provide more top speed, while decreasing it will deliver more acceleration. Experimenting with different gear ratios will allow you to find the perfect balance for your driving style and track conditions.

Upgrade Motor

Upgrading the motor of your RC car can provide a significant boost in power and torque. A more powerful motor will allow your car to reach higher speeds and tackle challenging terrain with ease. When choosing a motor upgrade, consider factors such as brushless or brushed motors, RPM (revolutions per minute), and compatibility with your car’s electronics. Upgrading the motor can greatly enhance the overall performance and excitement of your RC car.

Upgrade Tires

Choosing the right tires for your RC car is crucial for improving traction and handling. Upgrading to high-quality, specialized tires designed for your RC car’s specific surface or driving conditions can make a significant difference in performance. Whether you’re racing on pavement, off-roading on dirt, or tackling other terrains, selecting the appropriate tires will maximize grip and control, allowing you to push your RC car to its limits.

Reduce Weight

Reducing the weight of your RC car can have a dramatic effect on its speed and agility. By removing unnecessary parts or using lightweight materials, you can enhance the overall performance and responsiveness of your car. Consider replacing heavy components with lighter alternatives, such as carbon fiber or aluminum parts. However, be mindful not to compromise the structural integrity or balance of your RC car in the pursuit of weight reduction.

By considering these alternative upgrades alongside a battery replacement, you can unlock even greater performance from your RC car and elevate your driving experience to new heights.

reduce weight

Upgrades Effect on Performance
Adjusting Gear Ratio Optimizes speed and acceleration
Upgrading Motor Increases power and torque
Upgrading Tires Improves traction and handling
Reducing Weight Enhances speed and agility

Battery Technology and Advancements

Battery technology is constantly advancing in the world of RC cars, offering enthusiasts more options than ever before. Two of the most popular battery options for RC cars are Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) and Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries.

Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries

NiMH batteries are a more environmentally friendly alternative to the older Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries. They offer higher capacity, allowing for longer run times and extended play sessions with your RC car. NiMH batteries are also more affordable and readily available in various capacities to suit different RC car models.

Lithium Polymer (LiPo) Batteries

LiPo batteries represent the latest advancement in RC car battery technology. They offer even higher power and capacity compared to NiMH batteries, all while being lighter in weight. The higher power output of LiPo batteries translates to faster speeds and improved overall performance for your RC car.

It’s important to note that LiPo batteries require specific handling procedures to ensure their longevity and safety. Always use a specialized LiPo battery charger and carefully follow the recommended charging and storage precautions. Safety should always be a top priority when working with LiPo batteries.

Stay Informed about Battery Advancements

As new technologies and advancements emerge, it’s crucial for RC car enthusiasts to stay informed. Keeping up with the latest battery advancements helps you make informed decisions when selecting the right battery for your RC car. Stay connected with online communities, forums, and reputable RC car manufacturers to stay up-to-date with the newest developments and technologies.

By staying informed about battery technology and advancements, you can maximize the performance and enjoyment of your RC car.

Battery Type Advantages
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) – Environmentally friendly
– Higher capacity
– Affordable
Lithium Polymer (LiPo) – High power and capacity
– Lightweight

Charging and Safety Considerations

When it comes to charging RC car batteries, it’s crucial to use the correct charger for the battery type. For Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries, make sure to use a NiMH charger, while Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries require a specialized LiPo charger.

Paying attention to the amperage output of the charger is important. While higher amperage can result in faster charging, it may also decrease the overall lifespan of the battery. Therefore, it’s essential to find the right balance between charging speed and battery longevity.

For LiPo batteries, a critical aspect of charging is balancing the cells. This process ensures proper voltage distribution among the cells, maximizing the battery’s lifespan and performance. Make sure to use a charger that has built-in balancing capabilities or a separate balancer.

Always follow safety precautions when charging your RC car batteries. Never leave the batteries unattended during the charging process to prevent accidents and potential damage. Additionally, use the appropriate connectors to avoid short circuits or potential harm to your RC car and battery.

Remember, safety is paramount when dealing with batteries. Taking the necessary precautions ensures a worry-free and enjoyable RC car experience.

Tips for Safe Battery Charging:

  • Use the correct charger for your battery type (NiMH charger for NiMH batteries, LiPo charger for LiPo batteries).
  • Pay attention to the amperage output of the charger to balance charging speed and battery lifespan.
  • Ensure the cells in LiPo batteries are balanced during charging to maximize performance and longevity.
  • Never leave batteries unattended while charging.
  • Use the appropriate connectors to avoid short circuits and potential damage to your RC car and battery.


Upgrading your RC car battery to a larger capacity or higher-powered option can have a significant impact on your car’s performance. By considering factors such as battery type, voltage, capacity, and dimensions, you can ensure compatibility with your RC car’s specifications.

But don’t stop at just upgrading the battery. Exploring other performance-enhancing modifications like adjusting the gear ratio, upgrading the motor, improving the tires, and reducing weight can further optimize your RC car’s capabilities.

Remember, safety should always be a priority when handling and charging batteries. Be sure to use the correct chargers and follow proper procedures to ensure a safe and enjoyable RC car experience.

By investing in the right battery and making the necessary upgrades, you can unlock the full potential of your RC car and take your driving experience to the next level. So go ahead, replace that old battery, upgrade your RC car battery, and enjoy the power and performance of a bigger battery for your RC car.


Can I upgrade the battery in my RC car?

Yes, upgrading your RC car’s battery is a simple and effective way to increase its performance.

What types of batteries are commonly used in RC cars?

The common types of batteries used in RC cars are alkaline batteries, Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries, and Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries.

How do I select the right battery for my RC car?

When selecting a battery for your RC car, consider specifications like milliamp hours (mAh), volts (V), and the C-rating. Consult your RC car’s manual for compatible battery ratings.

What are the benefits of upgrading my RC car battery?

Upgrading your RC car battery can provide benefits such as longer running time, increased speed, improved overall performance, and quicker acceleration.

What should I consider when upgrading my RC car battery?

When upgrading your RC car battery, consider factors like battery type, voltage, capacity, size, and weight. Ensure that the battery fits within the dimensions of your RC car’s battery compartment.

Are there other ways to enhance RC car performance?

Yes, you can also adjust the gear ratio, upgrade the motor, upgrade the tires, and reduce the weight of your RC car to enhance its performance.

What are the latest advancements in RC car battery technology?

The latest advancements in RC car battery technology include Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries and Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries.

What are the charging and safety considerations for RC car batteries?

It’s crucial to use the correct charger for your battery type and pay attention to the amperage output. Balancing the cells during charging is important for LiPo batteries. Follow safety precautions and use appropriate connectors to avoid damage to your RC car and battery.

What should I know before replacing or upgrading my RC car battery?

Before replacing or upgrading your RC car battery, consider factors like the type, voltage, capacity, and dimensions of the battery, as well as other performance-enhancing modifications.

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